My Faith

If you stick with me for long, you’ll see that when I write, my faith keeps popping up. Some of you already know this about me.

My faith in Jesus is everything!

My daughter recently asked why I wanted to blog. The answer is that I want to share a glimpse of who I am—because of Jesus Christ. I love it how Jesus said, I have come to give you life, and life more abundantly.* He’s done that for me time and time again, both when my days felt easy and also when the burdens of life grew ever so heavy. I’ve found this abundant life He promises has nothing to do with the circumstances which surround or overcome me, but rather with the overflowing of riches from His heart to mine.

As I have lived and walked with Jesus, He’s been my strength, my compassionate friend, my faithful counselor, my peace-giver, the anchor for my soul.

If you don’t know Jesus, I encourage you to reach out to Him (and I say this as so much more than a cliche). He’s waiting for you. He loves you deeply, and He’s offering you life beyond what you could ever imagine. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.**

Please contact me if I can help. I’d love to introduce you to Jesus.

*John 10:10b
**1 Corinthians 2:9

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